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Thank You For A Wonderful Season!

2025 Registration will be open in the coming months, please stay tuned for more info that will be released via email and our Facebook page.

New 2025 Board Members

We are proud to announce the following new members of your Oxford Junior Wildcats Board. Thank you to all that have applied, we greatly appreciate it! 


Matt Rizor - General Manager
Paul Garwood - Football Equipment Director
Paul Garwood - Shadowing Football Director

Jeremy Crockett - Shadowing Communications Director
Travis Wilson - Shadowing President

Congratulations to the JV NYFL Runner-Ups: OJW JV Gray!

Our JV Gray Football Team finished their incredible season with an 8-2 record!

Congratulations to our Cheer Teams on another wonderful season!

2024 OJW Scholarship Application

File is located in the "Links and Documents" tab. Applications can also be picked up in the counseling office. 

Jr Wildcats Mission Statement

Provide the youth of Oxford and neighboring communities with a fun filled, educational program using the activities of football and cheerleading to promote friendship, teamwork and a healthy, physical lifestyle.

Have Questions?

Contact OJW Communication:

Volunteering and Dibs Questions?

Experiencing Website Problems? Can't Grab a DIB?

Please contact SportEngine Technical Support via Live Chat with any website issues.

Thank you!

To add a kid to parents profile & update dibs claim:

***This is only necessary if the parent did not register their child through their account and doesn't have a subprofile for them already listed
  1. Log into your account
  2. Click the drop down menu at your username at the top of the page
  3. select "my profile" from the drop-down menu
  4. Click "Create New Subprofile" from the top-right of the page
  5. Create a subprofile for each athlete in the program